I know I am not alone in this. I want my family to eat well. I really do. Some days we succeed better than others. My dear and wonderful husband is what I would call "open-minded picky." He's not totally, irrationally, irretrievably picky. He will try new foods. His diet has changed a great deal since we have been married. But he is picky. Really picky. It's no wonder Stinkerbaby is picky, too. It's a constant battle. After reading Sally Fallon's book,
Nourishing Traditions, I have tried to feed my family more nutrient dense foods and fewer highly processed ones. Growing up, I fell into the low-fat, vegetarian trap. My body has paid the price for that. I became lactose intolerant, I feel, as a direct result of the damaging low-fat, high-soy diet for so many years. Thankfully, after eight years lactose intolerant, I found a cure that worked wonders for me. I only wish I had found it sooner.
Nourishing my body and the bodies of those I care for has become a high priority. Beyond the difficulties in preparing meals, pickiness is my biggest problem. Whole, locally-grown, organic chicken with gravy made from bone broth- they will gladly eat. Any vegetables besides corn or potatoes- not so great. I have been learning some tricks to deal with my picky eaters.
In the case of the hubby, they are mostly work arounds since I figure he's the head of the household and if he wants something sweet for breakfast that's his right. I just try to make it something healthier sweet. For example, doughnuts are his ultimate breakfast. So sometimes I make homemade doughnuts from home-ground whole wheat flour fried in coconut oil and sometimes I make cinnamon coffee cake with eggs and whole milk and part sucanat and part xylitol.
Stinkerbaby is a different story altogether. What worked last week seldom does this week. She used to love mushrooms and salmon and spaghetti with meat sauce (not all in one meal! Yuk!). Now she won't eat any of these. Sometimes making baby-sized whatever works. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes unusual presentation works (salmon salad in an ice cream cone- I know the cone's not great, but I'm trying here!). Sometimes it doesn't work. The best method consistently for Stinkerbaby is to let her help me prepare foods. This, of course, takes far longer and wastes some food, but it generally works. She won't eat eggs. But green eggs and ham that she gets to mix up- oh, yeah! Does anyone know of a good, natural blue food coloring? It's just a drop or two, but I hate using the petrochemical stuff in her eggs.
At least the baby is easy since he's still exclusively breast fed.
What works for you? Do you have picky eaters? Are you the picky eater in your family?