When I was a kid, my great-grandmother and great-grandfather used to call Slate-Colored Juncos snowbirds. It's a much prettier name, even if it isn't the correct one, ornithologically speaking. They certainly aren't the most spectacular birds to grace my front deck, but they are pretty in their own way.
Yesterday, I caught one in flight with my camera.

Recently, I have had one of my favorite birds visit my deck: Rufus-Sided Towhees. They are much more nervous than most my feeder friends. I finally got a photograph of Mr. Rufus-Sided Towhee yesterday.
His Mrs. was on the deck, too, but I never did get a decent shot.

"Thanks for the seed! See ya!"
Lately, I have had an abundance of White-Throated Sparrows. Yesterday, I traipsed through the woods and saw several of these little guys. I think they are adorable. They have the same method of finding seeds that the towhees and chickens do. They all scratch. In the case of the sparrow and the towhee, they do a sort of
scratch-hop-back thing that's cute.

I realize that these aren't the most amazing photos ever,
but I enjoyed taking them and thought you might enjoy looking.
Have a great rest of your week.