I have finally done it!
I have finally 100% positively identified a mushroom!
My mother came over to my house carrying a bunch of mushrooms she found growing on freshly mowed grass owned by the city. She collected them all!
What a good mother I have!
As soon as I saw them, I knew I had seen them in a book recently.
I also strongly suspected that they were poisonous.
I was right.
So, without any further delay, let me introduce you to Chlorophyllum molybdites
or as it is more commonly known, Green-Spored Lepiota.
than any other.
Symptoms include severe intestinal discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea
with fairly rapid onset.
Pretty to look at, but not to eat!
The Green-Spored Lepiota is a large mushroom frequently found in grassy areas in late summer.
see even without doing a spore print.
You may even have some in you yard right now. Sometimes they even grow in fairy rings.
Hope you enjoy looking!