Today's Critter of the Day is an immature male Magnolia Warbler.
This adorable little guy collided with my living room window earlier this week.

At first, I didn't know what he was- except that he was a warbler. He definitely has an insect-eating beak.
They don't call them confusing fall warblers for nothing. My mom, expert birder that she is, thought he was a Magnolia Warbler despite him not looking quite like the book.
After a bit of searching online, I found a photo of a first year male.
It looked just like him!
Aren't the feathers on his back pretty?
After a few minutes resting in a cardboard box, he became restless. He flew almost as soon as I opened the box, but wasn't quite ready to fly into the woods. He posed for a few moments while he regained his bearings. I'm glad he did. I only wish the sun hadn't be so close to setting.
The light sure could have been better.

You can tell he is feeling better now.

This was my last glimpse before he flew away.
As always, you can click on any of the photos for a closer look.
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