Friday, June 17, 2011

Flowers on Saturday- Chicory

Ah, humble chicory, how I love you. This is my first time linking up with Flowers on Saturday at Blueberry Craft and Hobby Time. It looks like a lot of fun.
I hope you enjoy the blue of chicory as much as I do.
It was totally worth the chiggers I got while photographing it.

As always, you can click on the photos for a closer look.
Thanks for stopping by!



  1. You did a beautiful job capturing this humble often unappreciated flower!
    I have just noticed it coming out here this week. I photographed it last year and have been waiting for another chance.
    Carletta's Captures

  2. Nice series of shots, we don't get Chicory here in New Zealand, so it was great to see how you have captured it. Very pretty!

  3. The last shot is amazing...I really like it.
    - Vrinda.

  4. they're beautiful! not familiar with these - and thanks for risking the chiggers!

  5. These are just beautiful Susan!

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Happy that you finally join us in flowers on Saturday and you even made Ewa happy with purple flowers her favourite. Nice shot!

  7. came back to answer your question on Priscilla the whistling duck. they're not that shy, actually and will hang around if you don't make sudden movements in their direction. those pix were shot thru my office window, however. i tease my hubby that the house is my blind. :)

    btw, you should set your email address to 'public' so folks can respond to your comments directly via email (i noticed you publish it in your contact me tab so figured it wasn't a privacy issue but maybe you didn't realize its not linked in to your profile...)

  8. Those are beautiful. Are they wild? I've never heard of chicory.

  9. Yes, chicory is one of my favorite weeds. It's a native of Europe, but it grows along the roadsides along with Queen Anne's Lace. In the south, dried chicory roots were added to ground coffee to make it go farther and as a substitute for coffee when it wasn't available.

  10. so pretty! thanks for dropping by!


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