Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung
The grass has riz
I wonder where the flowers is?
The bird is on the wing
Now ain't that absurd?
I thought the wing was on the bird!

My grandmother used to quote this springtime poetry every year.
I surely miss her.

Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables. I have a patch that is in its third year. I had about given it up for dead when last week,
"spar grass" began shooting up!

The strawberries are coming right along, too. I really need to thin them out a bit and start another strawberry bed.

Who doesn't love violets? Sugar coated violets are supposed to be quite tasty.

In this past week, several signs of spring have come to my attention.
On April 7th, I saw my first bumblebee moth. That usually coincides with the return of the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, although I haven't seen any yet.
On April 8th, I saw my first toad and tree frog of the year. I
also heard my first Whip-poor-wills.

So, hold on tight, blog readers, frog pictures will be showing up soon!



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